Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5 Tips for Parenting Children with ADHD

Oftentimes, receiving a diagnosis of ADHD can feel overwhelming for parents.  As teachers, Drew and I want to be the best resource for parents possible.  For that reason, we have compiled some resource and started this blog as a support for parents.  In our research, we found the following 5 suggestions. 

1) Educate Yourself!  If you found this blog, you are already on the right track with this step!  Keep reading, keep learning.  The more you know, the better able you will be to help your child succeed.

2) Build Positive Self-Esteem in Your Child.  Highlight what they do well.  Try to refrain from 'negative' reinforcement.  Instead of "no" and "don't," highlight what they CAN do.  "Running is for outside" and "You do such a great job with your video games, and I'm proud of you."

3) Set Your Child Up To Succeed.  If your child has trouble staying quiet and sitting still, try to refrain from taking them to places where that is going to be required for longer than they can give.  Develop schedules and continue to work with them.  Remember step 2 - praise them when they do well!

4) Be You Child's Advocate.  The more you learn about ADHD, the more you will be able to fulfill this step.  Work with your child, his or her medical professionals, and teacher to get your child the right kind of help he or she needs.

5). Give Your Child Opportunity to Shine.  ADHD are usually highly intelligent, but have trouble with follow-though.  Provide your child with the opportunity to complete tasks, and when they do - praise them! 

What do you think?  Please leave your comments and suggestions for resources in the comments bellow!  A helpful community will help us all succeed!

*This blog is a summary of an original post by Dr. Krutka.  You can read the original post here: